NEW Business Partnership Program with Local Merchants

We just launched the Business Partnership Program for local Merchants all over the World. Showcase your business on our Mall and have members of our Community shop at YOUR local store! Receive more loyal Customers, more Sales, free Advertising, the Ability to support a local Charity and much more!
We have over 140.000 shoppers and rapidly growing daily! If you are a Business Owner you will want to know more...just email me at or click on the logo to your left!

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13th, 2009

I have been having a bit of a downtime lately or this week. I don't mean to do this but I feel like I am currently only "functioning". I have to be at a thousand places at a time and I have no idea how to do this sometimes. I worked over Christmas, I worked over New Years, I am still working and won't have any vacation until next month. It has been so bad that I still have my complete leave of almost 6 weeks for 2008 AND - since it's 2009 - another 6 weeks saved up.

I have been waiting for 6 months that they start the swim classes here again. Since my son nearly drowned in Texas last summer I had him registered with the swim classes as soon as we got back to Germany.

Now, as if this wasn't a bad time already, swim classes are starting this sunday, every single sunday for 3 months at 8 AM. I was always looking forward to the weekends to have one day to get some rest and sleep in. So, after swim class this coming sunday I will have a couple of hours to rest before I go back to work at 7 pm, nightshift. They really could have waited til Spring. It's negative ten degrees out here every single day...yuck!

I know, I know, I am not complaining, we all have a package to carry on our shoulders, I just need some vacation real bad so I can have some time to sort my priorities again and then maybe get some rest.

I did make a contact yesterday, it was over the phone but it's a contact. This person called from California because he wants to buy one of my websites (I have no time at all for it) and he asked me what this My Power Mall was about. So...I quickly sorted my mind and told him it was a shopping rebate system that allows Non Profit Organizations as well as Businesses and Individuals to raise funds for whatever purpose they believe in. I also have told him about the three different types of Malls and what you can do with them. He sounded very interested so I sent him a follow up mail with more information and all the website addresses: BPP, Boot Camp and my blog address.

I also am successfully following up with one of my Team members. The only thing is that he is very busy at the time so I am waiting until he is ready to work MPM :)

Ok, i will be back soon updating again.

1 comment:

  1. If you keep touching your business a little bit everyday it will eventually all come together for you. You already have a WCM and a BM. This is the beginning of what will one day be a wonderful business. Just remember that it is not a get rich scheme and will take time and work to build.

    I am surprised that they haven't made you take your 6 weeks off for last year. Just think of all the rest you will get when you are able to take your time off. Maybe you could take a day a week off and concentrate on building your business that day.


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