NEW Business Partnership Program with Local Merchants

We just launched the Business Partnership Program for local Merchants all over the World. Showcase your business on our Mall and have members of our Community shop at YOUR local store! Receive more loyal Customers, more Sales, free Advertising, the Ability to support a local Charity and much more!
We have over 140.000 shoppers and rapidly growing daily! If you are a Business Owner you will want to know more...just email me at or click on the logo to your left!

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

...back again and updating Day 6 :)

...this is a quick update on my day 6 :)

After writing my first part for today I became kind of depressed so I left the house and wouldn't you know I made a contact today. I did not get his phone number or email address but he sure sounded interested for his wife who had been looking for a work at home business for a while and will be more than happy to take a look.

Well, I don't know if she will give it a look but I am just glad I approached someone. I am always happy when I "get it over with" lol I mean the talking to a stranger part. I like the feeling afterwards lol

Since I had no professional invitation cards (I ordered them) I used my old flyers for MPM and just wrote the new Foundation Mall address on the back.

Oh, speaking of this: I have my own domain which allows me to have unlimited sub-domains.

I already added for my new Foundation Mall but if anyone needs a Sub URL such as then please let me know, write a comment here or something.

I own the domain for 2 more years that gives anyone plenty of time to use the subdomain :)

ok, its 12.25 am time to get to sleep :)

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My Power Mall - World Changer Reality Boot Camp: Saturday, Day 6 of the World Changer Reality Boot Camp!

My Power Mall - World Changer Reality Boot Camp: Saturday, Day 6 of the World Changer Reality Boot Camp!

Saturday, Day 6 of the World Changer Reality Boot Camp!

WOW, it's been 6 days since the start of the boot camp and for some reason I feel I have not accomplished what I was supposed to accomplish yet :( that's why I will go out today and talk to more people encourage them to make a difference in the World.

Wouldn't that be so nice if the entire world would take part of our vision? I mean EVERYBODY starting World Changer Malls and supporting other Non Profits while becoming finacially free? Wouldn't that be great if children already get taught that in order to live a happy life they must be committed to helping others once they grow up and become adults? Just like we all have learned that we must maintain a job in order to feed our family it should be mandatory to teach children these days that they must also help others once they are released to the "adult part of todays Society"?

Our families number one Rule is that don't expect others to help you when you don't help others. As soon as you ask my son what our number one rule is that is exactly what he will tell you. I preached this to him every single day. It starts with small things like unloading the dishwasher and will never find an end, only expand to outside the house.

Last week he came home from school with this look in his eyes as he had done something wrong. When I asked him he started crying and told me he gave his sandwich bread to his classmate. Surprised as I was, I asked him why he was crying then which he replied that I had always told him that there are so many children in this world starving to death and if I ever were to catch him not eating his bread or throwing it away he would be in double-trouble. He said, that his classmate was very hungry and his mother had not fixed a lunch box for him so he gave him his bread.

My eyes lid up and I smiled and hugged him forever telling him he did everything right. He had not realized that he exactly did what I always wanted him to do: help others. My son was only worried because all he saw was that he did not eat his sandwich bread lol

Just the other day I sat down and tried to remember more of my child hood and I clearly remember how I always imagined that we live in a world with no poor people. I used to cry over this when I was little because I was worried I could not find a single spot in this world that would fit my dream and therefore I couldnt' ever find a place I could call my home one day. It's kind of weird how I thought as a child lol but I did and can't denie that I did!

To be honest I am worried I won't be able to reach the goal in this boot camp. I'm already having head aches thinking about this all day long. I know I MUST succeed, not for myself but more for the people around me, my family and friends. I am not only scared of rejection when approaching people personally, I am also already thinking a couple of steps ahead and am worried that those people who actually will sign up for the World Changer Mall will call me a fraud or scam if they do not experience the success for whatever reason or excuse they might have. I think this is my biggest fear, walking through my hometown and people will point at me saying that I "dragged" them in a home business and all they did was pay but never made a dime. Even though it might be their fault for not succeeding due to lack of interest, motivation or work but I know how humans are, always tend to blame others.

I am not giving up - no worries - I am just thinking until my head hurts and then I start thinking all over again lol, it's a mind game and I need to find my way out of this :(

I like this blog thing for some reason, now not only I know what I'm thinking the entire world knows, too lol back for my next update :)

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