NEW Business Partnership Program with Local Merchants

We just launched the Business Partnership Program for local Merchants all over the World. Showcase your business on our Mall and have members of our Community shop at YOUR local store! Receive more loyal Customers, more Sales, free Advertising, the Ability to support a local Charity and much more!
We have over 140.000 shoppers and rapidly growing daily! If you are a Business Owner you will want to know more...just email me at or click on the logo to your left!

Free video hosting, video codes at
All Copyrights, All trademarks and Copyrights Held By Respective Owners.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29th, 2008

Today has been another busy day for me. I just had to realize I bought a SUV without a muffler lol

It's not like you can hear anything but the people at the tire store told me that half of the muffler is missing so now I have to order a new part :(

I purchased two customized MPM Videos and uploaded them to Successful Women Network and Yibster and some other Social Networks.

I also have called ten more leads but that did not turn out the way I hoped. I received 2 hang up's and three straight no's. I also recieved 3 answering machines which I have to call them back later on tonight and I have made two positive contacts which sounded interested. I sent them a follow up email and am planning on calling them later on tonight also.

I am still kind of nervous about the NPO I talked about several days ago. But I will keep everyone updated on how it's going with them.

Ok, gotta fix dinner now :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27th, 2008

Back again blogging :) Its early in the morning here have to get ready for work soon :(

I will take my laptop to work with me which I always do and once the "bosses" leave the building I get my laptop and start working on MPM. I don't always get the time to do that but when I do it's even better. I then work two jobs at the same time :)

I have to send out follow up emails today and call some contacts I missed to call yesterday! I was so exhausted from my son's birthday party, luckily that only happens once a year lol

Be back blogging soon...:)
PS: below are some of yesterday's pictures :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26th, 2008

Today is my son's 8th birthday!!! I am going to pick him up from school here in 20 minutes, do homework with him and then we will have his birthday party at the bowling alley! He is so excited and so am I :)

I can't believe my little baby is already 8 years old. Time just went by so fast, too fast for all I know. I am glad that he still loves to cuddle and he still tells me 20 times a day how much he loves me but I'm afraid soon those times will be over :(

I called 17 leads over the weekend and received 5 straight NO's and 7 answering machines. I am planning on calling those back later on tonight. The other 5 leads said they were going to watch the presentation but when I called 2 of them back again on sunday they had no time to take a look yet. I sent out follow up emails to those 5 contacts and will also call them again.

I won't be able to attend the morning call today but will try to stay up for the 2 am call (my time)

Be back to update soon ...:)

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 24th 2008

I had no time to work the business today. I just got off work even though I was supposed to get off 5 hours ago. I had to investigate a 10 year old boy for an attempted murder charge. This boy supposedly tried to kill his grandfather and had threatened the entire family previously.

In so many years of doing this job I can honestly say that I have never seen a child being so evil like the one I have met tonight. This boy not only attempted to harm his grandfather, he also held a neadel to his 8 months old siblings neck, tried to shoot both siblings - 8 months and 4 years old - with arrows, held a knife to his mother's chest and telling her that he wants to kill her. He also tried to set their appartement on fire several times and stuck their cat into the freezer.

I have no idea what is going on with some kids today. Anyways, working a shift as long as I have today was not planned. I was actually going to call leads again just like I have last night.

But the case itself and the fact that I had to translate german-english and english-german to post commanders and other high ranking officers from the US Army 6 hours straight has drained me. After so long of translating you really start to become headaches. I doubt I will be able to attend the 5 pm call.

Good Night everybody :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21st 2008

I really don't have much to report, sorry :( I am still working on the big Non Profit Organization that I have talked about on the Conference Calls.

I can't say much about it until I receive a reply from the leader of "Section Asia". I should be excited about finally making contact with them but thinking back past couple of weeks...Now, how stupid can someone be sometimes lol

I still can't get over the fact that I had been looking for a Non Profit Organization forever and had one sitting right in front of me all along lol

Seriously, sometimes I just feel like biting me in my own butt lol

I know I need help on this one. This NPO is well organized all over the world and preparation and saying the right words at the right time will make it or break it and I really am not good at saying the right words at the right time lol

I really have this type of luck:
being pooped on by a bird leaving the police station, attacked by a squirrel ON DUTY in the middle of an intersection packed with cars and their drivers and attacked by a bat - and all this last year people simply start laughing just thinking of my idiot luck lol

Anyways, I let you all know what happens with the Non Profit Organization.

Have a great night :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19th, 2008

I really am so happy that the weekend is over :) I have been working all weekend, got home at 7 am this morning from my night shift and can't wait until february 1st when my two week vacation starts :)

I have been talking to a fairly big Non Profit Organization called WWWCON. I haven't mentioned it here because I really did not think they would ever reply to me in the first place. I have been talking to them since November about their members joining my Social Network. It took me a while to realize that I could also ask them about My Power Mall lol I really must have had a brain furt for several weeks lol I was desperately looking for a Non Profit Organization to support and turn my Foundation Mall over to and the entire time WWWCON was sitting right in front of my eyes lol

Anyways, I did send them a long email about My Power Mall, my foundation Mall, raising funds for their Organization and so on. Ali, the person responsible for "Section Asia" actually replied and told me he will forward my request to one of the thousand boards they have. He also asked me to call a Doctor King and left me his/her phone number.....

What's next???

GINNY???? Help please???? lol

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14th, 2009

Even though I am working all day today I again did get to talk to my contact I mentioned yesterday!!! I not only have sold the site to him, I also gained a business partner.

Mr. Breed, located in California, will not have time to join My Power Mall at the time BUT he offered or we decided to add My Power Mall to the thousands of flyers he will be printing next week!!!

He told me how good he is in promoting offline since he already ran several shows in California and he assured me that he will promote the website I sold him heavily...along with My Power Mall. Isn't that great? One thing lead to another!

I missed to fill out the progress reports past couple of days and I apologize for that. I could not find the document after I restored my computer. Everything I had saved in C drive was gone. Instead of looking under "Resources" I tried to find it somewhere on my computer...duh lol

Well, I am getting off here soon, ready to head home and get some sleep. Good Night everyone :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13th, 2009

I have been having a bit of a downtime lately or this week. I don't mean to do this but I feel like I am currently only "functioning". I have to be at a thousand places at a time and I have no idea how to do this sometimes. I worked over Christmas, I worked over New Years, I am still working and won't have any vacation until next month. It has been so bad that I still have my complete leave of almost 6 weeks for 2008 AND - since it's 2009 - another 6 weeks saved up.

I have been waiting for 6 months that they start the swim classes here again. Since my son nearly drowned in Texas last summer I had him registered with the swim classes as soon as we got back to Germany.

Now, as if this wasn't a bad time already, swim classes are starting this sunday, every single sunday for 3 months at 8 AM. I was always looking forward to the weekends to have one day to get some rest and sleep in. So, after swim class this coming sunday I will have a couple of hours to rest before I go back to work at 7 pm, nightshift. They really could have waited til Spring. It's negative ten degrees out here every single day...yuck!

I know, I know, I am not complaining, we all have a package to carry on our shoulders, I just need some vacation real bad so I can have some time to sort my priorities again and then maybe get some rest.

I did make a contact yesterday, it was over the phone but it's a contact. This person called from California because he wants to buy one of my websites (I have no time at all for it) and he asked me what this My Power Mall was about. So...I quickly sorted my mind and told him it was a shopping rebate system that allows Non Profit Organizations as well as Businesses and Individuals to raise funds for whatever purpose they believe in. I also have told him about the three different types of Malls and what you can do with them. He sounded very interested so I sent him a follow up mail with more information and all the website addresses: BPP, Boot Camp and my blog address.

I also am successfully following up with one of my Team members. The only thing is that he is very busy at the time so I am waiting until he is ready to work MPM :)

Ok, i will be back soon updating again.

January 12th, 2009

This update is a bit late, I had to work last night sorry...

When Ginny asked us today what we had learned so far at the Boot Camp and what it is we still need improvements on I really did not know what to say. I do know that I have learned not to take rejection as serious or personal as I have before. People really do have different reasons why they don't reply or call back right away, why they don't look at the business site or pass on My Power Mall. This is something I have learned but still need to learn more. I just love listening to Ginny. When she talks she so many times but my and others thoughts into words. I can actually "feel" what she is saying. I just wish I could talk the same way Ginny does :)

I do know that there are still many things I need to learn and/or improve. You can't make a professional out of someone in 60 days but you sure can open their eyes to certain aspects such as that people are scared to take this one step towards My Power Mall or that they are just made to be an employee working from 8 - 5 without ever having the intentions to change anything in their lifes.

Another thing I still feel a bit uncomfortable with is approaching strangers. I still have this bad feeling in my stomach just thinking about it and I know I need to change this but this will take a bit longer than I thought.

I still have looong ways to go, I know I do, but I sure hope all the efforts will pay off one day :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8th, 2009

Today's Update is a bit late but I hope it will find its readers :) I only contacted 2 people yesterday since I had to work almost all day. As I already stated before, there is no way I can market My Power Mall while being on duty. Being a Police Officer truly is a bit of a different world. We talk different, we work different and we socialize different. Well, that at least what most officers are about. I don't think that job has changed me personally though I do know what I can and can't do and when I would be crossing the line lol

Even though all officers at my station do know that I am not planning on doing this job forever they think I am crazy. Once you turn 27 years old and pass the last full medical exam there is no way you can loose your job here in Germany unless you commit a crime that requires imprisonment for at least one year and one day. So, my job being a "save" job they think it would be the stupidest thing to quit it. But then again I really never cared about what others think. I always tell them that I have different plans in mind. I don't want to be stuck in a little town for the rest of my life and then end up wondering what else I could have done with my life. Also, I really can't picture myself being 55 years old chasing shoplifters. My mom is 51 years old and if I would only try to picture her running after a criminal I would really break out tears laughing so hard lol She barely kept up with me when I was in trouble lol

Anyways, just letting everyone know that I am working on my goals every single day and am more determined than ever :)

Good Night to everyone in the States and Good Morning Germany :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7th World Changer Reality Boot Camp

Today was actually a good day for me. I mamged to call 5 of my contacts and just got done sending out follow up emails as well. My lost Sign Up was also found and - thanks to Owen Ott and Ginny - moved to my downline. I have to admit I was a bit upset when I realized he had not signed up under me. It's not really that I would usually worry as much but since being in a boot camp I really try hard to stay in touch with my contacts and work towards them signing up in my downline.

I also emailed him and told him to let us make 2009 our best year ever! When you get so excited sometimes a reply can't popp up soon enough. I keep waiting and waiting and waiting checking my inbox 100 times a day lol but I am convinced that my sign up is also very excited to build a business with My Power Mall :)

I also just sent out an email to Larry, another boot camper. Larry, in case you read this, I just wanted to say thank you again for helping me out. That is so nice of you. Larry is going to call a contact for me in TX!!! Wohooo, YOU ROCK!!!

It's so good to know there are people - real people - out there actually helping! This is what the My Power Mall family is about. Help, Support, Encouragement and Motivation...

Ginny told us on today's morning call that MPM is also adding a "PM Caller". I sure hope I understood it right. The "PM Caller" is supposed to call leads and for every 4 contacts we make Ginny will add another 4 contacts for us into the "PM Caller". WOW, that's what I'm talking about!!! lol

I have to lay down now. I did not get any sleep last night, spent all night thinking about my life and my future again. I hate when this happens. I seem to have no controle over it and within the shortest time the night is over and I am drained.

Good Night everyone.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6th World Changer Reality Boot Camp

Luckily I got to join the morning call today. The days I work swing I usually have to set my alarm clock to 2 am to make it to the evening calls since I can't attend the morning calls. Even though I was on duty today I managed to convince my partner that he had to take a look at my newly decorated guest room so I could attend the morning call lol

I am so glad Larry, another boot camper, will help me out calling a lead in Texas. I just love the support we receive from Ginny, Jacki and the fellow boot campers. I am so thankful Larry will do this for me. That lady lives in TX and either used to be or still is involved with a very big Non Profit Organization. She also seemed to be very interested in My Power Mall and what it can do for NPO's. I can't wait to receive the email from Jacki with Larry's email address. I sure will be writing him first thing in the morning :)

I still have to send out the New Year's letters. I might have only 10 or 11 leads to send them to but that's ok.

I have noticed today that the Business Mall Sign up I had last week upgraded to a World Changer Mall. I immediately emailed him again and am waiting for his reply.

I also emailed another lead of mine that was supposed to join after the holidays. He said he joined but I couldn't locate him. I assume he did not join through my link which made me a bit upset. He was so excited about MPM and wanted to add his store to the Local Merchant Program and I had to realize that he somehow joined under someone else :(

It's time to get a good night sleep though :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day I dont even know lol

Today is Monday, January 5th, 2009, a new year, a new boot camp and a new chance to succeed. I was so determined to keep blogging during the holidays but, like many of you, I had no time but also had no more energy just to get on the computer.

I have to admit, I had a very bad time. I was frustrated, discouraged and ready to quit. I did not see the results I wanted to see and being the way I am that really hurt. I took some days off my computer, refused to get back online and actually sat down and cried my eyes out for days.

It sure does help to just let my feelings take over me sometimes even though people always say that I am so tough I truly am not. My entire life people always told me that I am a tough and strong person but I always thought what in the world makes me supposedly be as tough as they all think. What if i am not such a strong person people make it sound like? What if I don't want to be as strong as they make it sound like. Like I have no problems to solve? I took those two weeks to think about my past, present and future and about the quesitons above and about everything else. Like I said before I do think a lot of $%&# sometimes lol

Ok, my goals for 2009 are as follows and NOT necessarily in the order written down lol:

  • change the theme for this blog :)
  • succeed financially with My Power Mall because I have many things in mind with the money I might be possibly making
  • I want to pay my mom's debt off, she deserves it and I just feel like I owe this to her
  • I want to buy my best friend a car, her's is becoming dangerous for traffic lol
  • I want to donate money to various organizations, shelters and causes
  • I want to work on myself....oh boy lol
  • I want to put money for College in my son's savings account
  • I want to put money for College in my nephew's savings account
  • I want to give money to my sister and brother
  • I want to visit Ginny Dye and Owen Ott in the States and maybe even or all boot campers, who knows, right?
  • I want to quit my job or maybe just lay it off I am not really sure yet
  • I want to pay my debt as well but not all debt, I do need something to worry about sometimes :)
  • I do want to change people's minds. I hate the way people put others in drawers or catgorize them. Every single person is unique and deserves to be treated that way (unless they do something really bad)
  • I want to have another son but before that
  • I want to finally have health insurance after almost 7 years
  • I want to help some other people I really care about in my area
  • I want to buy my husband a car with winter tires (and summer tires lol)

Whew, I think I have covered the most important goals I have for 2009. I sure pray to God I will be able to do all this. I am glad I was chosen for the boot camp and have the opportunity to make a difference in my life. I just wish I could talk like Ginny, things would be much easier with the gift she has. I need to learn the "Ginny Talk" filled with inspiration, encouragement and support.

Ok, time for me to go to sleep, getting late here. I wish everyone a wonderful day :)