NEW Business Partnership Program with Local Merchants

We just launched the Business Partnership Program for local Merchants all over the World. Showcase your business on our Mall and have members of our Community shop at YOUR local store! Receive more loyal Customers, more Sales, free Advertising, the Ability to support a local Charity and much more!
We have over 140.000 shoppers and rapidly growing daily! If you are a Business Owner you will want to know more...just email me at or click on the logo to your left!

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 7 holy sunday of the World Changer Reality Boot Camp

This will be a quick update. Today was a very quiet day for some reason, no hundreds of emails in my Inbox, no phone calls, nothing!

Since I could not leave the house today thanks to masses of snow blocking the roads I decided to market a bit online. I know we have learned to take My Power Mall offline and locally but since I couldn't leave today I was itching just to do something. As I stated before I NEED and WANT to succeed and I get this bad feeling in my stomache if I just have one single day doing nothing!

If any of you have not read my last update please know my offer for a free subdomain is still up. I can add unlimited subdomains so why not offer them to people who could use them. Just send me a comment with your desired name and I will add it to the list of subdomains :)

Well, time to fix dinner now and getting my son ready for bed. Tomorrow is a new day for all of us contacting 5 more people. I will be on the 8 am call. Talk to the Boot Camp family later :)

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