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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 14 and still here :)

Today is sunday, december 7th, 2008, day 14 of boot camp. I am getting ready for work here soon. Since I don't have a baysitter and my husband is also working I have to take my son with me to the station. Poor child! I will see if I can take his playstation with us as well so he won't become too bored.

I just received a comment from Joanne. I read her blog post and I so understand what she is talking about encouraging us not to give up. What if Ginny would have given up? Can we imagine the pressure she has? There is no way I will give up even though it gets very hard sometimes. This is just so not me going up to strangers and talk to them. I have no problem to do this when being on duty for some reason. I am an outgoing friendly person but all the circumstances around me just make it so hard to talk to others about My Power Mall.

Yesterday was the first and only day I didn't blog. I went out on friday night with a friend and did not get home until early in the morning lol Oh boy, did I have a headache when I woke up lol

Tomorrow will be a new day and I can't wait to attend the conference call. Have to get ready now, be back blogging soon :)


  1. I love your site! I'm glad to hear you had some fun last night. Hope you have a fantastic week! Keep up the good work!

  2. Hello,
    I love your site too! Ginny has allot on her plate. I cannot imagine walking in her shoes. I feel comfortable walking up to people and power malling because I feel that Ginny has given us a gift to share with the world. That is our job! What a beautiful thing. When people really hear what we are saying,then it will be easier. Herbert is right about that. Most people are not really getting it when we are telling them. I believe that it will be a house hold name. Keep swimming I am watching and going out and doing it too. No sign ups yet for this cause, but i am close. I have a blog and beans too.
    Tina from new york

  3. And so a new week begins... I so believe in you and know that your commitment to go "all the way" will take you to your goals! Let's have some fun this week. :)



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