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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 16 and still strong!!!

Today was one of those days again. Somehow I feel something is trying really really hard for me to fail with this boot camp. Why? Because thinking of the past 5 years it NEVER snowed that early in winter, it NEVER snowed that bad twice in a row within two weeks, it was NEVER that cold. This "Something" knows I HAVE to leave the house in order to approach people personally which I can't do at home, of course. Now, i am stuck in the house again. I had to work all day until 9.30 pm and I just now made it home at 11 pm. You should know that it usually takes me three minutes to get to work.

Next example: My phone NEVER went out in the past I don't know how long BUT it went out three times since the start of the boot camp, once at exactly 8 am when I was dialing in to the conference call and another time 5 minutes before the conference call forcing me to stand outside in the cold.

And if that is not bad enough my internet went out along with my phone. Yesterday that happened for 5 hours straight. I don't understand the world anymore. It really makes me feel like something just does not want me to succeed or do what I need to do in order to stay part of the boot camp.

Let me be honest: I have not made any contacts today, all I could do was placing some advertisement online while being at work. I worked from noon til 11 pm and will have to stay up until 2 am to attend the afternoon conference call. Then I have to get up at 7 am to get my son to school. And the same tomorrow again!

Oh boy, something really is trying to give me a hard time lol

I wish I could tell you a success story for today but karma is not on my side lately lol

Talk to everyone soon :)


  1. Julia,

    Have you ever thought that the devil never wants anything good for us. I am not a real religious person, but know there is something bigger than I am out there....with that said, DON'T LET HIM WIN!! Fight for what you want! With God at your side, you WILL get what you want. Jewels

  2. Julie, don't give up or give in. This too shall pass. You do have a success story!!! You ARE a success story. Keep doing what you are doing.
    I am very proud of your honesty. It won't always be this way.
    My son, Ed, along with others are also fighting the weather. We got 12" of snow today. It does seem as if winter came early this year.
    As long as you keep trying you will do fine.
    Keeping you in my prayers. Please get some sleep.
    Take care,
    Joanne B

  3. Julie, Hi and thanks for visiting my blog I appreciate it soooo much. I feel like I am just writing for my own pleasure. I know that eventually it will be read by many because I am out there telling people about the boot camp and my blog. Please, don't give in the towel. everyone is having the same or similar problems. Me, I am sick with the flu again. Just got over it and bamm again. My husband gave me cough syrup during the morning call.(I did not know it, it was night time med) And I had to lay down. Well, I did not get up until 10 to 8:00 pm just in time for the boot camp tonight. I was going to make some calls at least, but my throat is so sore and every time i try and talk I cough uncontrollably. Well, I think you are just showing people that it can be done. no matter what and that it might take a little more time, but as long as you do the business it will sort out. There are worse things that can happen in life that can hold us back. A cold and snow just slows us down. But, it is too important and too exciting to give in to the small things, we just have to go around them. Also I want to point out that I have some international people on my team. They start out talking with enthusiasm and then do nothing. They can really change their life with this. they get discouraged too fast. then I cannot get in touch with them. I feel that you are our light for these people. Maybe, if they keep an eye on the fish bowl they can see that you are able to do it. Hopefully they are reading the blogs and getting excited again.
    tina from new york

  4. Julia,
    I am so proud of what you are doing and the extra commitment you are making, even being on calls at 2 AM when you have to be. We never know why we are given the struggles we are given but they make us stronger in the long run. - Jacki

  5. Julia,

    Have you ever heard of The Secret? I am sure you can get the book or DVD on base. The idea is to focus your thoughts on what you have that you are grateful for. Think of all the positive things you want and you will attract it. Whatever you are thinking, you are attracting. For example if you are thinking about all the bills you have, you will attract more bills. You want to attract all the positive energy.

    Maybe the following from Utube will help:


  6. Hi Julie,
    Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. Hope your day has been going better. Has to be, right?

  7. Your success story is your determination to never quit! The tide is going to turn. Opening it up to Business Owners in your area will really help and we'll continue to give you tools to succeed in Germany! I believe in you!



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